Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.
On Saturday 18th, March 17, spiritual program was organized by HG Akhil Guru Das Prabhuji at his home. HG Shudha Nitai Prabhuji lead the kirtan and lecture. Started the lecture with question that who I am and who is the owner of our body? He asked to everyone and one by one everybody explained about the owner of the body. Few devotees told that nature is the owner and others said Krishna is the owner and someone said that the Soul is the owner of our body. After listening to everybody's thoughts, HG Shudha Nitai prabhuji explained.
We wear the Tilak to establish Krishna in our body just like in a temple. Our body is a temple and we should take care our body very seriously because this is the only body through which we can enlighten our spiritual knowledge. If we have any type of attachment or desire of the material world while leaving this body, then we have to come again to this world, so leave as much as attachments or desires and should do everything according to the scriptures like to eat only Krishna Prasad, listen Krishna Katha, speak about the Krishna Lila and take the Darshan of Krishna deities and follow the Acharyas and Vaishnav etiquettes. All initiated devotees of the Hare Krishna movement vow to follow four rules: No gambling, No intoxication, No meat-eating and No illicit sex.
Thank you HG Akhil Guru Das prabhuji and Mataji for a wonderful program and deliciuos prasadam.
Hare Krishna! Your feedback will be valuable to me for advancement of my Krishna consciousness.
-Rajeev Kag
On Saturday 18th, March 17, spiritual program was organized by HG Akhil Guru Das Prabhuji at his home. HG Shudha Nitai Prabhuji lead the kirtan and lecture. Started the lecture with question that who I am and who is the owner of our body? He asked to everyone and one by one everybody explained about the owner of the body. Few devotees told that nature is the owner and others said Krishna is the owner and someone said that the Soul is the owner of our body. After listening to everybody's thoughts, HG Shudha Nitai prabhuji explained.
Life we're living now is not our only one. We've been through many. The spark of awareness within us– the self, or soul, or whatever you want to call it– has no beginning and no end. But that spark of life keeps moving on from one body to the next. At one time you have the body of a child. Then you move on to a young person's body. Then to a middle-aged body and then to the body of an old person. Yet in all those bodies you feel yourself to be the same you. Because you are the same you. Only your body has changed. You are not your body. The final change of body is what we call “death”. But it's not really final. It's only another transition, another move.
We are the soul (Nitya Jiv) and came from the Bhagavad Dham because of our desire and according to shree Chaitainya Mahaprabhu we are eternal servent of the Lord Krishna but God has given us the freewill to do any type of Karma. Krishna has provided the 84 lakhs yoniya's for the soul that to live the life on the earth. Just like we change our cloths time to time, our soul also change the bodies based on the karma. Krishna has given the body(uniform for soul) on rent to us for some time to live in material world. Till back to Godhead, we are bound to change our body according to our karma Bandhan again and again. As far as, Karma is applicable on Humans only, animals and other species are not bound by karma because they live their life according to the nature's law and they will get the higher body everytime after death. But God has given the special privilege to humans, only humans can understand the God through the transcendental knowledge of spirituality. If not used the body in service of God, then we might get down graded our body to other species.
God has given us the opportunity to realize oneself that who I am and what is the purpose of our life. If we understand the Krishna as the supreme personality of Godhead through our scriptures and Acharyas than we can go Back to Godhead by doing the Bhakti shadhana.
We are the soul (Nitya Jiv) and came from the Bhagavad Dham because of our desire and according to shree Chaitainya Mahaprabhu we are eternal servent of the Lord Krishna but God has given us the freewill to do any type of Karma. Krishna has provided the 84 lakhs yoniya's for the soul that to live the life on the earth. Just like we change our cloths time to time, our soul also change the bodies based on the karma. Krishna has given the body(uniform for soul) on rent to us for some time to live in material world. Till back to Godhead, we are bound to change our body according to our karma Bandhan again and again. As far as, Karma is applicable on Humans only, animals and other species are not bound by karma because they live their life according to the nature's law and they will get the higher body everytime after death. But God has given the special privilege to humans, only humans can understand the God through the transcendental knowledge of spirituality. If not used the body in service of God, then we might get down graded our body to other species.
God has given us the opportunity to realize oneself that who I am and what is the purpose of our life. If we understand the Krishna as the supreme personality of Godhead through our scriptures and Acharyas than we can go Back to Godhead by doing the Bhakti shadhana.
We wear the Tilak to establish Krishna in our body just like in a temple. Our body is a temple and we should take care our body very seriously because this is the only body through which we can enlighten our spiritual knowledge. If we have any type of attachment or desire of the material world while leaving this body, then we have to come again to this world, so leave as much as attachments or desires and should do everything according to the scriptures like to eat only Krishna Prasad, listen Krishna Katha, speak about the Krishna Lila and take the Darshan of Krishna deities and follow the Acharyas and Vaishnav etiquettes. All initiated devotees of the Hare Krishna movement vow to follow four rules: No gambling, No intoxication, No meat-eating and No illicit sex.
Thank you HG Akhil Guru Das prabhuji and Mataji for a wonderful program and deliciuos prasadam.
Hare Krishna! Your feedback will be valuable to me for advancement of my Krishna consciousness.
-Rajeev Kag